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Monday July 16, 2012

We left the Walmart at 5 am.  Got to be at the ferry one hour before sailing time.
A good thing we booked our ferry online four days ago or we would have been on the standby list.

Our ferry, the "Coastal Renaissance".

The crossing takes about one hour and a half.

I programed our GPS with the destination Calgary.  The only major turn we have to take is over 790 km away!

Once out of the ferry, we have to make our way through North Vancouver and suburbs of Vancouver.
Like most cities in Canada, "CONSTRUCTION"!

Still not too hard or long to get out of the Vancouver area.   Mountains, here we come.

We take the Yellowhead (#5) highway to shorten our trip.  It used to be a tool road, but not anymore.  Beautiful road.  Some of the scenery we saw.

Everybody's friend, the "Hell's Angels"!


Our first night is a little way east of Kamloops.  Next to the highway and very close to the train tracks.  Not too bad!
Walmart in Kamloops does not allow RV overnight parking!

We made some good time, the roads are great, the weather on the hot side, but hey! Who am I to complain?

Tuesday July 17, 2012

Not sure yet how far we will get today.  Maybe Golden?
More nice scenery.

In the little hamlet of Craigellanchie, next to highway 1, is where the last spike was put in to join the east and the west railroads tracks back in 1885.

We came across this beautiful hotel.  Here ,I am washing the big windows.  More scenery.

Golden, here we are.  It is hot, +28.  We decided to take a campsite and use the electricity for the air conditioning.

Our site.

As we are setting up, another small motorhome parks next to us.  It turns out they are from Québec, actually they are from very close of my hometown.  We talk a lot about traveling and some of the trips we all took.  Great people.

Wednesday July 18, 2012

We left Golden at around 9 am.  We are on our way to Calgary by way of Banff.
Lots of freight travel this corridor, trains and trucks 24/7.

Imagine the cost of widening and straightening a road like this one!  The cost alone!  Beautiful road.  The engineers from Québec should come here and learn how to built road that last more than 10 years.  Here too, it gets cold and hot, freezing and thawing, just like in Québec.  Maybe it is not the engineer that are to blame, maybe it is the "not so honest" construction company that are not doing it right?
OK, got my chip of my shoulder!

Surprise, we saw very few cyclists on the road this year.

One of the many "animal overpass" in Banff NP.  A great invention and it saves a lot of animal lives, but the best, it does save many human lives.

More scenery.

Out of the Rockies and onto the prairies!

Our first night in Calgary is in a Walmart.

A long day, but we covered a lot of KM in a few days.  About 1,100 kilometers so far.

Thursday July 19, 2012

Made it to our campground east of Calgary.  A 45 minutes drive from the Walmart we stayed last night.

What a plaisant surprise!  The owners speak French.  The campground is located next to the Transcanada highway.  Good location and they cater to 2 groups of campers.  First group, the seasonal and the second group are the transient like us.  The site are narrow and the sewer connection is located almost in the middle of the neighbor's site behind you!
We have seen better and we have seen worse.

One of the many little birds coming to feed in the bush located on our site, cute.

In the morning, Michèle went to Calgary and do some shopping.  Me, I stayed home and caught up on some little maintenance jobs around the motorhome.

A new camper move in behind us.  People from Québec.  We talk a little and after they settle in, we will talk some more for sure.
A few hours later, over a beer, we talk about traveling and motorhome.  It turned out they are from Blainville, a town close from where I am from.  They are on their way to BC.  We made a date for when we will be in Québec later on.

Friday July 20, 2012

Our friend, France and Michel are coming today.  We cannot wait to see them again.

After lunch, while waiting, I cooked my bacon and breakfast sausages.  Once cooked, I freeze then and I will use them for breakfast.

We are so happy to see France and Michel.  We did talk a lot, so much so that we forgot to take photos!

It was funny to see France and Michel asking tons of questions about our lifestyle.  It is always fun to talk about what we do and how we do it.  We always answer the questions honestly based on our experiences.

Saturday July 21, 2012

Before France and Michel left today, we talk some more.  Shortly before lunch they had to leave and head home to Cold Lake.  We would have loved to keep them with us a little longer.

Later on, we got an email from our others friends coming from Cold Lake. They have a problem with the 5th wheel, one of the wheel bearing is shot.  They are in the middle of nowhere.  They drove back to a small town and luckily for them, the shop had all they needed to fix the problem.  André fixed everything in no time and they were on their way.  They were here by dinner.

Again we talked a lot and forgot to take photos!

Sunday July 22, 2012

"Matte-muffin" breakfast.

After breakfast, we all headed to the Calgary Farmer's Market.  We just love the farmer's market porter!

When we were back at the campground, we got some bread (in the black bags) and went to feed the ducks.

Nathalie sure had fun with the ducks.

This campground even has a petting zoo.

Nathalie had fun, she loved petting zoo's.

Another of our friends made it to Calgary this weekend, Claudette!  She only stays for a few hours, but what a nice visit it was.  Claudette, it was great to have you even for a short time.  Time is just moving to fast when you are with friends.

Group photo.

Nathalie and André had a great snacks for all of us for the afternoon and a great dinner.

All good things have an end.
What a weekend!
France and Michel, Nathalie and André, Claudette did take the time to drive over 500 km to visit us.  We understand not everyone could make it because of work and other obligations.  Still, it is nice to see some made it.  We thank you from the bottom of our heart. 
Who knows, Jérémy may get posted to Cold Lake and you might see us up their earlier then expected.

What a weekend full of emotions.

Monday July 23, 2012

Sadly, time for Nathalie and André to leave has arrived.
See you Nathalie and André, safe travel!

We are leaving too, Ontario, here we come!

Note:  Our friends have been asking "how do you take such nice photo while driving?"
"Did we stop at everyone to take the photo?"
The answer is no we do not stop for every photo.
We would never get anywhere.  For every good photo Michèle takes, we may have up to 20 photos that are not very good or plain bad, but one of them is bound to be good.
Michèle has refined the "on the move" photo taking to suite her style.  With my camera, a Canon Rebel XSI, Lens 55 - 200mm,
She places the mode selector to "Sports" because it is constantly adjusting the focus as we are moving and take multiple photos quickly.  With the Fujifilm XP camera, she just zoom a little and put the camera against the window (side one) and take the photo.  This, most of the time, will remove the glare from the window in the photo. 
After more than 35,000 photos in 2 years, you have to get better somehow!

More photos from today.


If southern Alberta is flat, Saskatchewan promises the same.

Lots of those double trailer transport truck on the road in the prairies.  Both trailers are 53 feet long.

Hummm!  Driving into bad weather?

A quick stop before we hit the rain.  A fast outside check and an even faster stretch of my legs and the rain hits.
The people with the motorcycle are just getting ready to be hit with the rain and hail.  That is why they keep the helmet on.
When the hail hit, it came down hard and fast, but it was over in a few minutes.

Back on the road, we can see we will hit more bad weather.

This time it is coming down even harder.  For over 10 minutes rain and hail come down hard.  Inside the motorhome the noise is so loud, we can hardly talk to each other.  The rain/hail is coming from the right, 10 minutes later it is coming from the left and we did not even turn.

Finally out of the bad weather.

I often say that people are generally kind to other.  During the hail storm, a motorcycle was stopped on the side of the road and he was getting hit by the hail pretty hard.  A transport truck stopped right next to him and his motorcycle to protected them from the hail.  What a nice gesture this was from a total stranger towards another stranger.

With the hail we hit, I will have to go and check our skylight over the shower, I think I may have a small crack in it now!

After a hard weekend, I had to stop and take a short nap half way through the day.

Swift Current, Saskatchewan, here we come.

Small town with a Walmart.  We will spend the night here, notice the livestock transport behind us.  It is full of pigs.  It is noisy, it stinks, not fun, but they are only here for a short time and they were gone.  Good!

A good, quiet night.

Tuesday July 24, 2012

This one is for our son Benoit.
Benoit spent 3 months in Weyburn, SK, with the Katimavik program.
It was quite a life experience and I mean that in a good way!

Did I mention that this place is FLAT!

Each provinces has dedicated a portion of its highway to our veterans.  Good, they deserve it.

We have seen baseball caps on fence post before, but never a big boot.

Welcome to Manitoba!

More bad weather?  Lucky, we did not have rain, just cloud.

Lots of those road trains, at least one every 15 minutes.  Must be saving on fuel with only one truck in the front.

This is how much rain we got, just what was on the road.  Nothing like yesterday.

Two types of windmill.

Again, lots of dark clouds, but no rain.

Tonight we are at the Brandon, Manitoba Walmart.

Wednesday July 25, 2012

Brandon is our home for the night.  A few campers joined us during the evening.  A very quiet place to stop for the night.

Back on the road and heading east.  Notice the aircraft above the road.  This aircraft is a crop duster.  We stopped on the side of the road to watch him do his thing.  I watched everything he did.  I am very impressed with his skill.

Darn!  We will miss the potato festival.

The only big tree by the road for over 300 km.  Lots of good travel east and west by train.

After filling up in Winnipeg, we continue east.

I forgot, after paying for diesel, I treated myself to a BIG slush.  Now is brain freeze time!

Very few cyclists this year.  We noticed this one because he had no luggage with him.  A few kilometers later we stopped at a rest area and saw him again, but with this van.  He is raising money for Parkinson.  I had to shake his hand and contribute.

Ontario, here we come!

We plan to spend the night at the Walmart in Kenora.  I took the second exit to get to the Walmart when I should have taken the 3rd exit.  Because of that, I had to drive in the downtown part of Kenora, not fun with a motorhome and car totaling 58 Feet long (17.6 M).  It turns out we cannot spend the night at the Walmart.  I can understand why.  Kenora is a resort town and fishing is the main attraction here.  If they were to allow campers to stay overnight, they would camp here for days on end and leave all day to go fishing.  I agree with the town decision even if it means we have to travel further.

Back on the road.  Things we see!

Ontario has very nice roads.

Two hours later we arrived at the Dryden Walmart.  No problems here, come to think of it, nothing here!

Thursday July 26, 2012

The parking lot is very busy with trucks stopping to get a coffee at the Tim Horton across the road.

Things we see, super heroes!

Thunder Bay is our next stop.

Ontario is where we saw most road construction, but we had very few delays.

Always something interesting.

At every fuel stop, I have to clean the front windshield.

Thunder Bay's Walmart is very happy to have us for the night.  A very quiet place at night

We took a little stroll and came across this small play house from Home Hardware, cute!

Friday July 27, 2012

A short traveling day today.  Only 120 km to go.

We drove by this place last year and it was very busy, now it is all locked up!  We wonder what happen?

They are widening the Transcanada highway to 4 lanes between Thunder Bay and Nipigon, a lot of work being done.

Our "home" for the next two days.

After we are all settle in, we head into town and see what has changed since we stopped here two years ago.
This Canadian Tire is the smallest in the country.  It is very small inside!

For some reason they had to cut the trees down.  They turned two of the stump into something nice.

Back at the campsite, we watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games.

It is still very hot, into the little creek I go.  It is cool and refreshing.

Tomorrow Pearl and André are coming for a visit.

Saturday July 28, 2012

Forecast of +27 for today.

Before Pearl and André arrive, I change the air conditioning solenoid because we have no AC from the "truck" when we are driving.  After changing the solenoid I tried the AC, not working.  I check the fuse, not good and I change it.  Tried the AC, still not working!  I decide to connect the AC fan directly to the battery and see if it works,  it does not work.  I will have to change the fan once we are in the Belleville area.

The solenoid is exposed to the weather and when we are driving, rain and other things get to it.  Corrosion take a hold quickly.  To prevent corrosion to happen again, I cover all connections and the solenoid with silicone.  Water will not get in there now.

Pearl and André arrive just before lunch.  They invite us to the little snack bar in Nipigon.  Very good food.

We talk all afternoon.  For dinner we have Taco and kept on talking.

Pearl and André, it was a pleasure to see you again.  Our path will cross again I am sure.

Sunday July 29, 2012

Pearl and André stopped by this morning.  They are on their way to Cold Lake, Alberta, to visit family.
Us, we are still heading east toward Sault Ste.Marie.

A large part of highway 17 is by lake Superior.  Very nice scenery, but a lot of big hills.

White River is the place where author A.A. Milne got a cub bear and started to write stories about his bear.
The bear's name, Winnie The Pooh.

A few of the beaches along the way.

Imagine a kid trying to learn to write his address!

Why Montreal River?  Because it has a very big hill and at the bottom a nice 90 degrees turn.


Cute place.

Our home for the night, Walmart in Sault Ste. Marie.

Later on the evening, four more campers joined us.

Monday July 30, 2012

On our way to Sudbury.


Is this the same man we saw two years ago!

Many Amish communities are located between Sault Ste. Marie and Espanola.

Northern Ontario is still very French.  Most if not all of the signs are in both official language.

Walmart in Sudbury.

It is still very hot (+28) so we watch the Olympic Games inside with the air conditioning on.

This is first time we see shoppers like these two.  Will they buy chicken?

Tomorrow will be a short day compare to the last two days.

Tuesday July 31, 2012

A little less than 200 km to go today.  The first half hour of the drive is done in the rain.

Quite a speed limit!  Later on the sky clears up and it got very hot again (+29).

Our home for the night!

While I was shaving this morning I heard water dripping!  I looked under the sink and saw water coming from the P trap.  Before I continue, plumbing in and RV is similar to a house, but not always the same.  On the motorhome the slip joint is part of the elbow pipe and it is broken.  Right next to Walmart there is a Home Depot.  Off I go shopping for parts to repair the leak.  I purchased a big nut with a slip joint, modified some of the parts on the RV and tighten the whole thing and no leaks.

Always finish with the cleanup the area.  Cost for the repair, $6.76.

Small problems like this one are normal in an RV.  Remember our "home" travel down the road a 90 km/h, most of the time it feel like and heart quake.

We spend the afternoon and evening with our good friends Isabelle and Keith.  We meet them in Florida two years ago.

We had a great time talking about everything with our friends.  It was good to see them again.  We are very fortunate to have friends like the one we have.

Tomorrow we will be at our new "home" for the next month.

Until next time.

Life is good...

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